Štěpán Rückl – vybraná bibliografie
- Lis, B., Kiriatzi E., Batziou A. a Š. Rückl. 2020. “Dealing with the Crisis: Mobility of Aeginetan-tradition potters around 1200 BC,” The Annual of the British School at Athens 115, s. 1-59.
- Rückl, Š. a L. Jacobs. 2016. “With a Little Help from My Wheel: Wheel-coiled Pottery in Protogeometric Greece,” Hesperia 85.2, s. 297-321.
- Lis, B., Rückl, Š. a M. Choleva. 2016. “Mobility in the Bronze Age Aegean – The Case of Aeginetan Potters,” in The Transmission of Technical Knowledge in the Production of Ancient Mediterranean Pottery. Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the Austrian Archaeological Institute at Athens, 23rd-25th November 2012 (ÖJh Sonderschriften), ed. W. Gauß, G. Klebinder-Gauß, a C. von Rüden.
- Lis, B. a Š. Rückl. 2011. “Our Storerooms are Full. Impressed Pithoi from Late Bronze/Early Iron Age East Lokris and Phokis and theit Socio-economic Significance,” in Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age. Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. W. Gauß, M. Lindblom, R.A.K. Smith, a J.C. Wright, Oxford, s. 154-168.
- Rückl, Š., Havrda, J. a M. Tryml. 2007. „Renaissance cesspit from Malá Strana in Prague,“ in Studies in Post-Medieval Archaeology 2, 361-382.